6 Key Questions to Ensure Sustainable Inclusivity in Your Business Practices
Nov 07, 2023
By now, it isn’t a secret that incorporating inclusive practices is a continuous commitment, but it doesn’t have to feel impossible. When you incorporate inclusive practices sustainably, each new practice can feel more automatic over time. If you’re wondering what I mean by ‘sustainable’ in this context, I’m inviting you to engage in this work at a pace you can consistently maintain without getting overwhelmed and burnt out.
It’s important to be mindful not to over-consume information or try to do every possible inclusive thing at once. I take a trauma-informed approach when working with clients incorporating inclusive practices. We focus on one or two specific areas at a time to reduce potential overwhelm and progress through the work in a way that honors their energy. This allows them to continuously honor their commitments when incorporating a new, inclusive practice.
In addition to the in-depth workbook and lesson modules clients receive access to, I guide them through personal coaching sessions where we talk about what they want to work on. This includes identifying how to integrate and embody each new practice and the support and environments they need to honor their commitments.
Here are six questions you can refer to that will help you sustainably incorporate inclusive practices:
- What inclusive practices do I want to incorporate next? (Example: I want to re-examine my messaging to ensure it’s genuinely inclusive.)
- When do I want to integrate or embody these practices fully? (Example: Before the end of the quarter or the end of the year.)
- What support do I need to help make these practices feel more automatic? (Example: A book, a consultant or coach, a group, self-guided program.)
- Who can I reach out to for support? (Example: A friend or colleague on a similar journey, a consultant or coach to guide and provide accountability.)
- How can I create the space or environment to incorporate these practices? (Example: Create a plan, set aside one hour a day or one day a week to learn, complete tasks, or review messaging.)
- How will I honor myself and others with diverse lived experiences as I incorporate these practices? (Example: Connect with new people, be mindful and patient through the process, avoid expecting free educational labor.)
If you want more support as you incorporate sustainable, inclusive practices, start by crafting an inclusive brand statement to hold yourself accountable. You can also complete our contact form to connect and learn more about our transformative solutions!
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